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Found 55 jobs
Assistant/Associate Professor of Finance
The Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics at North Carolina A&T State University has proudly maintained accreditation by The...
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Statistics
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at North Carolina A&T State University, College of Science and Technology, invites applications for a...
Assistant /Associate Professor - Geomatics
The College of Science and Technology at North Carolina A&T State University invites applications for a tenure track Assistant Professor position...
Teaching Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity-Distance Learning
The 9-month non-tenure track position will encompass responsibilities important to the total operation of the Department, including demonstration...
Assistant Professor, Biological Engineering
Primary responsibilities will include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and conduct cutting-edge research in biological and ecological...
Assistant/Associate Professor - Family & Consumer Sciences
Primary responsibilities will include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in nutrition and food science, developing a research program in...
Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Reporting directly to the Chancellor and serving as a member of the Chancellor's cabinet, the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement provides...
Vice Chancellor for Research
The VCR will report to the Chancellor and oversee the research enterprise across the university. As N.C. A&T seeks to become a culturally...
Assistant/Associate Professor - Food Science
The primary responsibilities for this position include teaching undergraduate and graduate level nutritional sciences courses, conducting...
Assistant Professor Food & Nutritional Sciences
Primary responsibilities will include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in nutrition; developing a research program in nutrition and...
Assistant/Associate or Full Professor- Theater Arts Technology
The primary responsibilities for this position include teaching undergraduate level courses, conducting research, student advising, student...
Associate Professor or Professor/Chair English
The Chair of the English Department is the academic and chief administrative officer of the department. She/he is charged with leading the faculty...
Associate Professor or Professor/Chair, Journalism and Mass Communication
The College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at North Carolina A&T State University seeks an energetic and innovative chairperson for the...
Teaching Assistant Professor-Electrical and Computer Engineering
The primary responsibilities for this position include teaching undergraduate level courses, conducting research, student advising, student...
Assistant Professor
North Carolina A&T State University (NCAT) College of Engineering (CoE) and College of Science and Technology (CoST) are seeking applicants for...