Executive Director-Career & Workforce Development
- Employer
- City Colleges of Chicago
- Location
- Chicago, Illinois, United States
- Salary
- Competitive Salary
- Date posted
- Aug 5, 2024
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- Position Type
- Administrative, Academic Affairs, Cooperative & Experiential Education, Student Affairs, Academic Advising & Academic Support Services, Career Services, Minority & Multicultural Affairs, Executive, Executive Directors
- Employment Level
- Executive
- Employment Type
- Full Time
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Executive Director, Career and Workforce Development
Malcolm X College
The mission of Malcolm X College is to provide accessible liberal arts and health-focused education that fosters personal and professional achievement. To fulfill this mission, we focus on the following core values: accountability, community, diversity, empowerment, learning, and respect. Malcolm X College (MXC) Career Center supports students’ persistence and completion efforts in achieving their goals towards graduation and career readiness. We are currently searching for a full-time Executive Director, Career and Workforce Development to serve our alumni, students, and community by providing comprehensive services in career planning and career readiness.
Rep o rti n g to th e college President, t h eExecutive Director, Career and Workforce Development p r ov i d es leade r sh i p and m a n a g e m e n t o v e r si gh t o f c o m p rehe n s i v e stu d ent s e r v ices re l ati n g t o ca r e e r a d v isi ng, car e er ed u cati o n p r o g ra m m i n g, and workforce development .T h e Executive Director m a n a ges prof e s s i o n al staff and di r ec ts the d eli v ery o f stu d ent se r v i c es p r o v i d e d thro ug h the Ca r e e r C e n t e r in alignment with MXC’s s tra t egic p la n s f o r stu d ent e ng a g e m ent, r e t enti o n, and su c ce s s strat e gies.
Accountabilities i n cl ud e :
- M a n a g e a staff o f C areer S er v i c e A d v i s o rs a n d cre a te a n d facilitate in n o v ati v e c a reer d e v e l o p m ent programming.
- C o lla b o r a te with k e y st a k eh o l d ers in bu il d i n g relati o n sh ip s with p o t e n ti a l e m p l o y ers t o cu l ti v a te j o b, ap p renticesh ip, a n d inte r n sh i p o pp o rtu n iti e s f o r students.
- Increase students’ awareness and competency in career readiness skills.
- Partner with the workforce planning team to connect students with job placement opportunities.
- Consistently and sustainably expand, develop, and refine career center offerings; and perform related duties as required.
- Design, develop and operationalize a new space to address the workforce and career readiness skills for all current and prospective student of Malcolm X College as well as members of the community.
- Im p l e m en t s stra t egies a n d p r o g ra m m i n g d esig n ed t o assist and g u i d e alumni, stu d ents, and other members of the community in m aki n g in f o r m e d decisi o n s abo u t t h eir ca r e e rs and su c ce s sf u l tra n sit i o n in t o t h e w o r k f o r c e.
- D ire c ts sta f f w o rki n g with n e w / enrol l ed st ud en t s a n d al u m n i in re s earch in g and s ele c ti n g c areer a nd /o r a ca d e m ic pat h wa y s and i m p l e m enti n g p la n s t o achi e v e t h eir i d entified g o als.
- G u i d es staff o f Career Se r v i ces A d v i s o rs in m e e ti n g t h e u n i qu e n e e d s o f i d entif i ed stu d ent p o pu lati o n s incl ud i n g v e t e r a n s, s t ud ents w ith dis ab ilit i es o r o ther cha l l en g es, a s w e ll as al u m n i l o o ki n g t o r e - d ir e ct t h eir c a reers.
- Takes a holistic and well-rounded approach to career planning, placement, and development, including interview preparation, offering professional attire and other self-care services to students, and partnerships and networks within the community.
- Works closely with the Director-Workforce Partnerships to solicit, catalog within the jobs bank and display job opportunities to align with job seekers (both on campus and external),
- Oversees the provision of services and resources to assist students and job seekers pursuing a career in their field of study or interest.
- Directs the development and delivery of workshops and presentations aimed at supporting students’ career and workforce exploration and attainment of goals.
- Collaborates with Director-Workforce Partnerships, academic programs, and external partners on developing new opportunities and initiatives to support student success
- Supports Student Services program staff, providing workshops and expert advice on topics relating to career planning including use of career assessment instruments and job-search tools.
- Researches and ensures staff remains knowledgeable of current labor market trends, career placement and transfer and articulation resources and related best practices.
- Plans and coordinates campus events, in coordination with workforce partnerships to include career and employment fairs and professional association visits.
- Ensures timely and accurate data collection, analysis and reporting of Center’s initiatives and services, and tracking of career-related outcomes for institutional planning and improvement.
- Monitors and evaluates current scope of services and programs and makes recommendations for change to remain responsive to student career development needs and evolving market trends.
- Collaborates with Marketing & Communication to produce and maintain Center’s webpage and promote the Center’s services and programs via social media, newsletter, calendar of events and other communications.
- May represent the Career Center on CCC committees and work groups.
- Performs other duties as assigned.
Reports To
College President
Direct Supervision
Career Services Advisors
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in student affairs, higher education or administration, career education, workforce development or a related field
- Master’s degree is highly preferred
- Five years of experience at the administrative or supervisory level in career services or career related programming in a higher education or nonprofit setting
- A combination of education and experience may be taken into consideration based on the applicant’s credentials, provided the minimum degree requirement is met
- Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of student support services in areas of career development and planning
- Experience in the use of student information systems and data analysis
- Excellent oral, written and interpersonal skills
- Ability to work with people from diverse cultures and collaborate with multiple and diverse constituents to accomplish goals.
- Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel,
Chicago residency is required for all full-time employees within 6 months of hire.
We are an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
Thank you for your interest in City Colleges of Chicago!
Malcolm X College has been named a 2024 M ost Promising Places to Work in Community Colleges award winner! NISOD joins Diverse: Issues in Higher Education in recognizing Malcolm X College’s best-in-class student and staff recruitment and retention practices, inclusive learning and working environments, and meaningful community service and engagement opportunities.
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