Francis Marion University
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Francis Marion University is one of South Carolina's 13 four-year, state-assisted universities. It is located in the northeastern part of the state near the city of Florence and has nearly 4,000 students. Classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as a master's level university, FMU takes pride in providing a strong comprehensive, liberal arts education in a broad range of undergraduate majors enhanced by three professional schools - the School of Business, School of Education, and School of Health Sciences. The University also offers graduate programs in Business, Education, Psychology, Speech-Language Pathology, Doctorate of Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Nursing, and a Doctorate of Nursing Practice.
Francis Marion University has been recognized for its excellence in education by several national ranking agencies. US News and World Report named FMU as one of its top regional universities in the south for more than a decade. FMU was named as 'The Chronicle's Great Colleges to Work For' 2013-2023; one of just 85 four-year colleges and universities in the nation recognized by The Chronicle and one of only 42 recognized as an Honor Roll school. FMU is a Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
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- Francis Marion University
- Florence, South Carolina
- Salary will be competitive and commensurate with the level of experience
FMU is seeking a full-time, tenure-track Program Director for our newly developed Bachelor of Social Work program.
Posted 6 days ago
View details about Bachelor of Social Work Program Director (25-17)